Dragon Repeller Rebirth

This is a new, updated version of the original. There are a lot of clones out there, look no further than this one.

Dragon Repeller Rebirth is a complete overhaul of the original game, utilizing just HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Just like the original, Dragon Repeller: Rebirth is set in a mythical realm, where players must embark on a long and difficult quest to defeat a fearsome dragon, navigating different locations such as the town, complete with its own inn which you will frequent, a mysterious cave, an ominous forest and a dangerous dungeon. Along the journey, the player will encounter various monsters, new weapons and armor and collect gold.

Rebirth Features

  • New Monsters: Players will encounter the following monsters on their journey: Slime, Wolf, Salamander, Goblin, Bandit, Basilisk, Banshee, Harpy, Ogre, Troll, Chimera, Drake, Dragon.
  • New Weapons: The following weapons are available: Stick, Dagger, Claw Hammer, Staff, Sword, Spear, Greatsword, Dragon Slayer.
  • New Armor: The following armors are available: Worn Shirt, Leather Garb, Iron Plate, Steel Armor, Diamond Mail, Obsidian Plate, Adamantium Suit, Dragon Repeller.
  • New Locations: The following locations are available: Town, Inn, Cave, Forest, Dungeon
  • Overhauled Combat: The combat in the game has been massively updated and tweaked. Monsters have more health and deal more damage than ever before. Monsters will get slightly stronger as you do. With armor available now, you can mitigate damage from monsters.
  • Weapon Break System: Weapons can break in battle, but armor cannot. Manage your gold wisely to choose when you need a weapon upgrade over an armor upgrade. As your experience increases, the chances of your weapon breaking will decrease, depending on your opponent.
  • Find Treasure: The "Easter Egg" of the original game was busted, allowing players to easily grind until they were above a dragon in strength. I removed this, but added the rare chance of finding a Treasure Chest. The chest can contain gold or rarely, new weapon!
  • Max Health: The player now has a "Max Health" stat, which can be raised as you fight monsters. In the original game, the player could easily buy more health to defeat the dragon. Now, the player must train to get more health.
  • Continue Option Added: On death, in the original game, the user had to start from the beginning. I opted to allow players to continue on death, with a gold penalty. As the game is much more unforgiving than before, it felt almost unfair to force the player to restart.
  • Removed Sell Option: Honestly, besides being unnecessary, the sell option had a bug that prevented the player's weapon from breaking. Instead of fixing it, I just removed it.
  • Added a Rest Option: I updated the game to have an "inn" instead of a shop, solely for this reason. It didn't make sense to have a shop contain a bed to sleep in! At a mere 40 gold, the player can rest up to full health. I also left the "Buy health (10 gold)" option if you're short on money but need some health.
  • Text Fixes: There were various text issues throughout the game which I resolved.


  • HTML: Structures the game's layout.
  • CSS: Provides styling to enhance the gaming experience.
  • JavaScript: Powers the game's logic and interactivity.

Getting Started

To play the game, simply clone the repository and open the Dragon Repeller - Rebirth.html file in a web browser. No additional installations or setups are required.


Contributions to enhance the game, fix bugs, or suggest new features are always welcome. Please feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.

Embark on your adventure and become the hero who repels the dragon!

Updated 19 days ago
Published 21 days ago
GenreRole Playing
TagsCasual, Fantasy, GitHub, Monsters, Short, Singleplayer, Solo RPG, Text based

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